Constellation's Acting Ensemble for Kids: Peter Pan (Grades 3-4) is a fast-paced and fun exploration of acting that will use the beloved and timeless classic, Peter Pan, to focus on building an ensemble. Students will also learn the basics of theatrical staging and theater etiquette while developing the building blocks of acting technique, including voice and speech, creative movement, and exploration of world and character. Imaginations will soar as they bring Peter, Wendy, Captain Hook, and the cast of Lost Boys, fairies, pirates, and mermaids to life for a final showcase! Students will emerge from the class more articulate, confident, and collaborative performers. This class is perfect for beginners, as well as acting students with some experience.
NOTE: A limited number of scholarships are available for Theater & Film programs. Students must be eligible for free or reduced lunch through the National School Lunch Program to receive a scholarship. If you are interested, please click here for more information. Additionally, Constellation Stage & Screen programs are not eligible for Ivy Tech Employee Fee Remission.