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Teach for the Center for Lifelong Learning

Images of CLL instructors in action

Ivy Tech Community College - Bloomington
Center for Lifelong Learning
Call for Course Proposals

The Center for Lifelong Learning at Ivy Tech Community College-Bloomington (CLL) welcomes proposals for new noncredit course offerings. Please read the following guidelines as you prepare and submit your materials for review. The submission form is at the bottom of this page.
About Us and our Students 
The CLL works to offer outstanding opportunities in noncredit learning to students throughout our service area, including Morgan, Monroe, Owen, Greene, Lawrence, and Martin Counties. Course offerings range from general personal interest to professional development and career advancement. We seek out the best and most engaging instructors in our area to create outstanding student experiences.
Our students, like you, are busy and have high expectations for time and money invested in our classes. They count on our instructors to be knowledgeable in their subject areas, enthusiastic about the topic, and able to facilitate meaningful discussion and activities. Successful instructors know how to create the active learning environment that adult and/or youth learners demand.
Preparing Your Proposal 
A well-crafted proposal starts with a great class idea. We’ll be happy to help you with editing titles, descriptions, and biographies (and reserve the right to do so). First, consider:
  • What is your course about? What concepts, techniques, or topics will be taught?
  • Are you targeting a specific group, or is it intended for a general audience?
  • As a result of your course, what will students be able to do?
  • What teaching methods will be used?
Title: You have only a few seconds to attract a potential student’s attention.
  • Keep it simple; error on the side of brevity.
  • Don’t be afraid to be creative or colorful, but make sure your title still reflects the course content. Two-part titles, separated by a colon, work well for this.
Description: In about 100 words, entice the student to sign up for the course.
  • Be specific about course content, objectives, and outcomes.
  • Write your narrative in the second person (“You will learn…”) or first person plural (“We will learn…”). Avoid the third person (“The student will learn…”).
Biography: In two-to-three sentences, include information about your relevant education and experience, along with pertinent special interests, publications, or awards. You may also consider a statement regarding your motivation for teaching the course.
The Proposal Selection Process 
We review all proposals. If your proposal is selected, we will contact you to set up an interview. At that time, we’ll be able to discuss your course in greater detail to see if it’s a good fit for the CLL.