Constellation's Acting Ensemble for Kids: A Christmas Carol (Grades 3-4) is a fast-paced and fun exploration of acting that will use a kids' theatrical version of the timeless classic, A Christmas Carol, to focus on building an ensemble. Students will also learn the basics of theatrical staging and theater etiquette while developing the building blocks of acting technique -- including voice and speech, creative movement, and exploration of world and character -- all while having a merry time as they work towards a final showcase! Students will emerge from the class more articulate, confident, and collaborative performers. This class is perfect for beginners, as well as acting students with some experience.
NOTE: A limited number of scholarships are available for Theater & Film programs. Students must be eligible for free or reduced lunch through the National School Lunch Program to receive a scholarship. If you are interested, please click here for more information. Additionally, Constellation Stage & Screen programs are not eligible for Ivy Tech Employee Fee Remission.