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Watercolor Technique

CRN : 40920-243
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This course is designed for anyone who is interested in watercolors, from beginners to experienced artists interested in learning new skills and techniques, and how to choose strong compositions. Using a limited pallet you will learn how to mix color, shades and tone. Whether you paint along with the instructor or work on your own, you can expect individual attention. You will be amazed at what you can do!

Supplies: Students must plan to bring the following supplies, though not all are required if you would like to incorporate your own material preferences:

The most important element. Arches paper is recommended, in block or sheet formats.
- Block, 140pound, Cold Press, 9x12 or 10 x14 or 11x14.
- Sheets, can be divided into 2-4 smaller sheets, also Cold Press.

I recommend a limited palette. 10 Windsor Newton Professional grade colors:
- 6 warm colors: Windsor Red, Windsor Yellow, Burnt Siena, and Raw Siena, Permanent Rose and Windsor Violet.
- 4 cool colors: Windsor Blue Green Shade, Windsor Blue Red Shade, Hookers Green, and Paynes Grey.

Other items:
- Pencils, hard lead 2H or 4H
- Kneaded eraser
- Palette and mixing pans (preferred is ceramic white palette)
- 2 small water holders or cups
- Small mixing pans for colors, mine have lids.
Incredible White Mask, for blocking areas you wish to keep white.
*Pencil sharpener, paper towels, rulers, palettes, mixing pans, and water holders/cups will be provided, but you may use your own if preferred.

Do not spend a fortune on brushes. Windsor Newton has an inexpensive line. I also like the black silver brushes.
Sizes: 1”  and ½”flat; #4 or #7 #10 round; Detail #2 round. My favorite brush: Silver Black Velvet Oval ¾”.

Supplies can be ordered from several art suppliers including Blick, Jerry's Artarama, or Bloomington Fine Arts Supply if you prefer to shop locally.

Class Details

6 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Ivy Tech Main Campus

MarySue Schwab 



Registration Closes On
Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 04/17/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/27/2025 - 5/8/2025 Weekly - Thu 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Bloomington, Ivy Tech Main Campus  Map, Room: B104 MarySue Schwab 

Other Class Offerings

Continuing Watercolor
ID: 1929

03/27/25 - 05/08/25
Weekly - Thu
6 sessions.

Ivy Tech Main Campus

MarySue Schwab